We are
Local, Professional, Unmatched
We are experts in treating water in your area. AJ’s Water Treatment is a full service certified treatment specialist. We design, engineer, supply, install and service the water treatment system that is right for you. Whether it is for a residential, commercial or industrial purpose. AJ’s Water Treatment offers a complete water system that will deliver the highest quality water for general water use and drinking.
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Water Treatment Services
Water Treatment Design, Build and Installation
Service on Most Makes and Models of Water Treatment Systems
Consultation on Problem Water Issues
Licensed Water Pump Installation and Repair
Did You Know?
AJ’s Water Treatment is an authorized, independent Kinetico Dealer.
We can design, build, install and repair all Kinetico water system products.
Residential & Commercial
Water Softeners Residential
Water Filters Residential
Speciality Filters Commercial
Drinking Water Systems Commercial
UV Water Systems Residential
UV Rated Water System Commercial
Drinking Water System (Reverse Osmosis) Residential
Well Pumps Residential
Why choose us
We have the experience and industry knowledge to do the job right
AJ’s Water Treatment experience includes designing and building the Water Treatment system that is right for you or for your organization. After the installation and the callibration of water system, AJ’s Water Treatment will maintain, monitor, sample, report, and communicate with the Ministry of Environment

How can I tell if there are contaminants in my water?
When and why should I test my water?
The frequency in which drinking water should be tested depends on the number of people, the type of water source, and types of contaminants.
Is it easy to install water filter by myself?
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